Nô Bake Ôreô Cheesecake
- 1/4 cup melted butter
- 50 Ôreô côôkies (2 300g packages) divided
- 1/2 cup white chôcôlate chips
- 24 ôz cream cheese (3 250g/8ôz packages)
- 1 1/2 cups pôwdered sugar
- 1 1/4 cup heavy whipping cream divided
- Cômbine melted butter and 1 package ôf Ôreô côôkies in a fôôd prôcessôr. Prôcess until smôôth and starts tô stick tôgether.
- Press intô a 9" Springfôrm pan and abôut 1/2" up the sides.
- In a medium bôwl, cômbine white chôcôlate chips and 1/4 cup cream. Micrôwave ôn high in 20 secônd intervals, stirring well each time, until melted and smôôth. Set aside.
- In a large bôwl, beat cream cheese with an electric mixer until smôôth. Add pôwdered sugar and melted white chôcôlate and beat until cômbined.
- Add remaining 1 cup cream, and beat ôn lôw until incôrpôrated, then beat ôn high speed until thickened and fluffy (3-4 minutes). Dôn't stôp until yôu have stiff peaks!
- Reserve 5 Ôreô côôkies fôr garnish, and place the remaining 20 intô a large zip-tôp bag. Crush with a rôlling pin ôr ôther hard ôbject and stir intô cheesecake filling.
- Spread intô prepared crust, côver, and chill fôr at least 5-6 hôurs ôr ôvernight.
- Slice and serve.
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