- 2 cups all-purpòse flòur
- 1 teaspòòn baking sòda
- ½ teaspòòn salt
- 1 cup butter, barely melted but nòt tòò hòt (see phòtò abòve)
- ¾ cup light bròwn sugar, packed
- ⅔ cup granulated sugar
- 2 teaspòòns vanilla extract
- 1 teaspòòn apple cider vinegar
- 1 large egg
- 2 cups semisweet chòcòlate chips (I used half chips and half chunks, but either is fine)
- Còarse sea salt
- Preheat òven tò 350 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
- In a medium bòwl mix tògether the flòur, baking sòda and the salt: Set aside.
- In a large bòwl beat tògether the butter, sugars, vanilla extract and the vinegar until smòòth. Beat in the egg just until còmbined.
- Mix the flòur mixture intò the wet mixture just until còmbined. Stir in the chips.
- Using a large còòkie scòòp (abòut 2 ròunded tablespòòns) dròp abòut 3 inches apart òntò còòkie sheet.
- Bake fòr 8 tò 10 minutes, they will lòòk light bròwn aròund the edges and will lòòk underdòne in the center. Remòve fròm the òven and immediately sprinkle each còòkie with a little sea salt. Allòw tò sit òn the sheet fòr 10 minutes befòre mòving tò a rack tò còòl.
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